Save the Bees: Tell your state legislator to Vote YES on SB23-266

One in every three bites of food we eat depends on pollinators including apples, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, cucumbers, melons, pears, peppermint, potatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, tomatoes, Colorado’s Palisade peaches, Rocky Ford melons, and the alfalfa that feeds our dairy cows.

Bees are some of our best pollinators but they are dying off. Scientists point to a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids -- or neonics for short -- as one of the causes.

SB23-266 will limit neonics in Colorado but with the legislative session ending soon, we need our legislators to act.

Subject: Please vote yes on SB23-266 and Save the Bees